The Samajam shall be purely a Socio-cultural Association and its Aims and objects shall be:-
a) To promote and encourage the growth of Fine Arts, particularly of Kerala among the residents of Raipur, mainly among Malayalees.
b) To establish and maintain a reading room and Library.
c) To further the cause of Kerala Arts by publication of journals, Books, Booklets or any other publications deemed desirable by the Executive Committee.
d) To facilitate training for and performance of Drama, Dances Music-vocal and Instrumental and other Fine Arts conducive to the furtherance of the faculty of Arts.
e) To arrange meetings and debates by writers and scholars and speeches on the subjects related to Arts and socio-cultural affairs.
f) To provide for Indoor and Outdoor games to encourage and foster the spirit of sportsmanship amongst the interested members and to arrange for tournaments..
g) To provide for Educational facility, Academic and Technical to the residents of Raipur and also to others who are desirous of and found eligible to obtain, as per Rules & Norms laid down by the provincial Govt., Central Govt. and concerned’ statutory Authorities etc., in respect of analogous Institutions..
h) To carry out works of social, relief and charitable in nature..
i) To acquire land and or construct buildings for the purpose of the Samajam and the Educational or charitable Institutions run by it; And to frame Rules and Bye Laws (by the General Body of the Samajam) for the smooth functioning of the Samajam and the Institutions under it..
Adarsh Vidyalaya school, Ground Floor, Devendra Nagar, Sector 1, Raipur, CG